Monday, August 13, 2012

WINNERS & DIGI #164 - "Hula Girl"


This cutie--Digi #164 -- is my last digi from Hawaii.

When thinking of "Our Vacation Spot Contest" I decided on a give-a-way from ALL the correct entries. But, when we started shopping for Hawaiian goodies for the prize, my husband Wayne suggested, "Why don't you add a smaller give-a-way to the FIRST correct guess?" So we did; and it went out today to: NANCY PARKER.

Now DRUM ROLL PLEASE: The winner drawn from ALL the correct guesses [and Followers] is:


Rhonda: please e-mail me [] your mailing address so I can get your package to you!

Hope she likes all the goodies and will share a picture on her blog, "Rhonda's Place to Share" because we had it wrapped and ready to go to the Post Office before remembering that I didn't take a picture [chemo brain--again]. I could tell you what is in the package but I wouldn't want to ruin her surprise!

I've had my blog, Diane's Digital Designs, for over 2 years with 200,000+ visitors and that says: you are all the best! Also another "THANK YOU" goes to because without them mentioning my blog, my art would have stayed out in 'blogland-space' never to be seen! In the last week alone over 400 visitors came directly from their link--now, how's that for great advertising????! Thanks every day, Karen & all!

Thank you ALL who visited and played along in our contest,too!

Please keep us in your prayers for a safe journey back home.



Our wonderful son, Troy & his sweet Family [sorry it's blurry]


  1. Thank you sooo much. I'm so excited and can't wait to see the goodies. Thank you for the hula girl.

    Congrats Nancy!

  2. Congrats to the two winners - but we are all winners as you have created this lovely digi for us. THank you.

  3. Thank you Diane & congrats to Rhonda.
    What a beautiful family your son has. Hope you had fun spoilling the boys. hugs
