Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Hello, Blog friends:

I began my blog, Diane's Digital Designs, in July 2010 with a post of my very first digital stamp of this little boy looking over the teacher's desk:

For over six years, I've loved drawing digis weekly to post here hoping you would enjoy them too and use my digis on your projects. And you have!! Most of you, up the 1,000+ each week, found my blog by going to Free Digital Stamps [thank you, ladies!] and them directing you over here. However, since they closed the Free Digital Stamps blog, I have only 4 or 5 visitors each week. So, I think it's time to say, "GOOD'BYE!"

Even though I'm still drawing, I'm now devoting most of my time to watercolors, jewelry designing and selling. Also, I've started back woodturning on my lathe [haven't had time since 2002]. These now take up most of my crafting time so I think it's time to devote all of my creativity to painting, jewelry and woodturning.

It seems appropriate to end my digital stamps journey with the very same digi I posted first [above] and say THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISITS AND ENCOURAGEMENTS through the years [especially you, Suze--you've commented almost from the beginning and every week through to the end--you are a true, loyal blog-friend!!!]

I'll keep Diane's Designs up and maybe take it a different route--who knows????? Again, "Thank You" for all your wonderful support.

And, God's Blessings to each of you!


  1. Thank you for all the wonderful digis you have shared Diane. I appreciate them all. Good luck with all your crafty endeavours and I for one, would love to see what you are working on if you care to post it on the blog. Best wishes and crafty hugs. Suze

  2. Have a wonderful NEW Journey in life - thank you for the freebies you have so graciously given - have a blessed week Diana - cyberhugs - Gail

  3. Diane, Good luck in your creativity. Nothing like art in any form to bring joy to the heart. Painting, woodturning, jewelry are things you can do and sell. I wish you luck and success. Thank you for the digis I have gotten from time to time. Edwina Brown

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  5. This is fabulous card!!! I just love it. This two little are looking so cute. The colors you've chosen for this card is really nice

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