Sunday, November 20, 2011

Being Thankful

Our lesson at church today was about being thankful. Not ' just thankful'. What we sometimes fail to do is express our graditude for the gifts that we have received as a blessing from God. Thought provoking, uh?

Most of us get those e-mails that 'make the rounds' from all your acquaintances. My husband Wayne knows I don't usually even open these--but he reads every one of them! If he sends me one, I know it's special. What do you think of these pictures Wayne got from a couple of his 'coffee-drinking-buddies'?

God's work is all beautiful, isn't it?

See you over at Simply Create Too --comment often--you have only 5 days until the drawings. Remember, this Friday we will begin Challenge #1 and we'll post the winners of the 3 packages of Blog Candy.

Be thankful for the blessings God has given us and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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